Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Hello Tukang COPAS. Masih bandel aja ya. Udah dikasih tau masih aja Ngeyel. Maunya Apa Seh? by

Thank you for using! This service has been made possible by all our customers. In order to provide a sustainable, best of the breed RSS to Email experience, we've chosen to keep this as a paid subscription service. If you are satisfied with your free trial, please sign-up today. Subscriptions without a plan would soon be removed. Thank you!
misi gan saya mau jual meja makan satu set dgn kursinya
dan satu kursi goyang
langsung aja ke pictnya
Spoiler for picture:

*motif meja makan sama dgn kursinya
uk 1,2m X 1m

sorry kalo foto kursinya miring :D

satu set meja makan : Rp.4.500.000
kursi goyang : Rp.450.000
harga di atas masih nego


thanks kaskus

FaizHDPH 20 Aug, 2011

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